
Fonte: Wikivoyage

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* rwdImageMaps jQuery plugin v1.4
* Allows image maps to be used in a responsive design by recalculating the area coordinates to match the actual image size on load and window.resize
* Copyright (c) 2012 Matt Stow
* Licensed under the MIT license
;(function(a){a.fn.rwdImageMaps=function(){var d=this,c=parseFloat(a.fn.jquery);var b=function(){d.each(function(){if(typeof(a(this).attr("usemap"))=="undefined"){return}var f=this,e=a(f);a("<img />").load(function(){var o,k,i="width",n="height";if(c<1.6){o=f.getAttribute(i),k=f.getAttribute(n)}else{o=e.attr(i),k=e.attr(n)}if(!o||!k){var p=new Image();p.src=e.attr("src");if(!o){o=p.width}if(!k){k=p.height}}var g=e.width()/100,l=e.height()/100,j=e.attr("usemap").replace("#",""),m="coords";a('map[name="'+j+'"]').find("area").each(function(){var s=a(this);if(!{,s.attr(m))}var","),q=new Array(r.length);for(var h=0;h<q.length;++h){if(h%2===0){q[h]=parseInt(((r[h]/o)*100)*g)}else{q[h]=parseInt(((r[h]/k)*100)*l)}}s.attr(m,q.toString())})}).attr("src",e.attr("src"))})};a(window).resize(b).trigger("resize");return this}})(jQuery);

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/* Adicionar botões para inserção do síntaxe das predefinições de itens
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/* Check if view is in edit mode and that the required modules are available. Then, customize the toolbar . . . */
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/* Esconder títulos no espaço principal quando banner está presente */		

// Results from Wikidata
// [[File:Wdsearch_script_screenshot.png]]
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